Regulatory Science Competition Winners Take Presentations Online
Written By: James Polli, PhD, the Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics
The eighth annual “America’s Got Regulatory Science Talent” Competition was held at the School of Pharmacy on Feb. 10. The goal of this competition is to promote student interest in the field of regulatory science, which strives to develop new tools, standards, and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality, and performance of products regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
One of the highlights for the competition’s winners is the opportunity to visit the FDA later in the semester to present their award-winning regulatory science ideas to staff from across the agency. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, an in-person visit to the FDA was not possible for this year’s winning teams: Brain Alliance, Just (Insul)in Case, and RidRx.
Instead, to recognize the hard work and time that our winning teams put into their proposals, the FDA’s Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation arranged a “virtual visit.” For the virtual visit, the winning teams from the University of Maryland and the University of Rochester (which hosts a separate local event on its campus) recorded their presentations, which were later viewed by staff at the FDA. Click or tap on the links below to view the slides from each team’s presentation.
- Brain Alliance
Team Members: Adaeze Amaefule, Breanna Owoo, Hannah Kim, and Sydney Yuen
FDA Mentors: Marlene Kim and Meng Hu
Proposal: MeDevice – An easy-to-use mobile app that allows consumers to access and view information about FDA-approved medical devices to help promote transparency.
- Just (Insul)in Case
Team Members: Karen Nguyen, Hanna Lefebo, Amanda Dinh, Anthonia Azubike, Andrew SyBing, and Jeffrey Banaszak
FDA Mentor: Kimberly Maxfield
Proposal: Insulin – A jump-start to manufacturing biologics on-demand during public health emergencies.
- RidRx
Team Members: Anyen Fon, Hang Vo, Chidiogo Eke, and Olamide Olujohungbe
FDA Mentor: Roberta Glass
Proposal: Mobile app that allows easy access for safe medication disposal.
Congratulations again to all of our winning teams! We hope to be able to schedule an in-person visit to the FDA for them during the next academic year.