Tag - P-SHOR

She’s a Force, Whatever the Role
She Thrives in A Variety of Ways
Taking the Measure of Health Inequities
Meet the UMB-ISPOR Student Chapter

She’s a Force, Whatever the Role

Lisa Calvert Chalk, MS, PMP, recalls watching her brothers take karate lessons when she was barely 5 years old. She desperately wanted to join in. “You can’t, you’re a girl,” said her parents. Fast forward 23 years later, Calvert Chalk enrolled her 6-year-old son in martial arts. She enrolled a year later.

Today this fourth-degree black belt and master instructor of mixed martial arts says her years of training and teaching furnished her with strengths in “organization and discipline.” These two attributes have helped propel her, for the last 32 years, through multiple positions within the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (UMSOP).

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